Fenstanton and Hilton Parish Magazine

The traditional parish magazine was always the preserve of the local church and Fenstanton was no different. The joint parishes of Fenstanton and Hilton produced their own magazine which ran for many years, until ‘Spectrum’ evolved.

Few copies exist but seven are available to download.

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine May 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine June 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine July 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine August 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine September 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine October 1951

Fenstanton & Hilton Parish Magazine November 1951


Researchers and Historians:  You are very welcome to use any information, but  please credit this site


If you have any old copies we would love to have the opportunity to scan them. Please contact us